Wednesday, December 31, 2008

We'll drink a cup of kindness yet...

But before the weekend arrives, I guess we should actually ring in the new year, right? If I were back in the LaLa Land of my birth today, I would be heading down to M & L's house for their New Year's extravaganza (read: copious amounts of vin rouge from Trader Joe's and snax consumed in the company of a few handfuls of friends). But since we're here in Denver and still have yet to forge any new friendships strong enough to warrant venturing out on New Year's Eve, and since I am Not Drinking* these days, we will observe the most overplayed holiday of the year in our own quiet way.

But hey! If you're the type who likes to get out and revel amongst anonymous revelers, you've got choices. There will be fireworks downtown, not to mention free bus and light rail service from 7:00 tonight until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. It's sad that I'm tempted to leave the house if only to take advantage of free public transport.

So Happy New Year, y'all! Even if 2009 doesn't spring back from this recession with the elasticity of Nellie Oleson's curls, let's just act as if it has (perhaps with less borrowing and spending).

* Although I have discovered that St. Pauli Girl makes a rather respectable non-alcoholic malt beverage.

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